Tag: web scraping

In this article I will show you how to migrate a site created with an old, and nowadays deprecated content management system to a contemporary CMS, using web automation tools – that is grabbing a site’s content by walking through it with bots imitating human visitors, and uploading it to the new site similarly, by acting just like a human editor.

More than a decade ago I started to build a very successful website with a simple yet powerful Zope-based Wiki engine called Zwiki. As both Wikis (with the one notable exception of Wikipedia) and Zope usage has been in decline for many years, I haven’t actively developed that site anymore, but as I did not want to lose its content, I decided to migrate it to WordPress.

Step #1: Scraping a Zwiki site

Getting structured content from a wiki

When moving a site, the first challenge is to download the website’s content in a structured format. As we are talking about a wiki-type site, there is a strong emphasis on the word: structured, as the basic philosophy of the wikis consists of adding content to one single page body field, and using certain kind of formatting notations inside of that one big content field to display the information in a format which resembles some structure. Zwiki, for instance, has a handy function which allows commenting and following others’ comment on any wiki page, but all the comments are to be added to the very same field where the actual page content is stored, therefore I had to find in the pages’ text where each comment begins, and store them separately from the content.

Dealing with the special content markup

Yet another challenge was that Zwiki, just as many of its counterparts, uses a specific, simpler-than-HTML kind of markup code, which cannot be recognised by any contemporary content management system, so I could not rely on the content I could get by opening all the pages for editing, so I had to scrape the public web pages, where the special markup is already interpreted and translated to ordinary HTML.

Imitating human visitors with web automation tools

As I have experience working with a few web scraping/web automation software my obvious choice was to scrape the Zwiki site as if a human visitor would click through each and every link on the page and download its content. This way you are not limited by the export/import formats a certain CMS would offer when it comes to acquiring and uploading content, but you can get whatever part of the content you want, and process them with whatever regular expressions you want and log the results in any format. If a human visitor can walk through the entire site, you can grab all the information.

The logic behind the scraper script

Wiki-based content management systems tend to have a feature which greatly simplifies the content scraping process: they usually have a wiki contents page where all the pages of the wiki are listed. Therefore it seemed to be a very easy task to get all the content I needed to move: just open the contents page, scrape all the links, go through the list of them and visit, download and post-process each one. As an output, I have generated a .csv file where the page hierarchy, that is all the parent pages has been logged, another .csv file where the actual content of each page has been logged with a few pieces of key information such as title, URL or last modified date. This last piece of information could be obtained by visiting each wiki page’s history sub page and reading the dates of previous changes listed there.  The third file had every comment in a separate row, extracted by regular expressions from the page content. I have also generated another file with the raw content for debugging purposes. It records the page content plus the comments in their original format so that if something went wrong with the processing of the comments, the original source could be at hand.

Putting it all together with UBot Studio

As the whole process didn’t seem to be too difficult, I opted for using Ubot Studio for downloading and structuring the site’s content. It is marketed as an automation tool for internet marketers, but to be honest its main purpose was once to scrape and spam websites by link submissions, comments, etc. But nevertheless it can be used for various web automation purposes, and one of its key function that the Bots I create can be compiled in a .exe format, which can be run on any Windows computer, without having to buy the software itself. I would not publish this executable as I don’t want anyone to play around with scraping Zwiki sites, thus putting an unnecessary load on their servers, but feel free to contact me by commenting this page or dropping me a mail (kedves /at/ oldalgazda /dot/ hu) if you need that .exe file to migrate your Zwiki site as well.

Another interesting feature of Ubot is that although its primary interface is a visual programming UI, you can still switch to code view, where you can edit the script as if it was coded in an ”ordinary” programming language. The Zwiki scraper script, for instance, looks like this below in code view. If you have some patience, you can go through the script and understand what each step did, and see which regular expressions I used when structuring the data:

 ui text box("Domain to scrape (without http(s)://):",#domain)
 allow javascript("No")
 wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
 set(#scraped,$scrape attribute(<class="formcontent">,"innerhtml"),"Global")
 add list to list(%pageurls,$find regular expression(#scraped,"(?<=href=\")[^\"]+"),"Delete","Global")
 loop($list total(%pageurls)) {
     set(#pageurl,$list item(%pageurls,1),"Global")
     wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
     set(#content,$scrape attribute(<class="content">,"innerhtml"),"Global")
     set(#content,$replace regular expression(#content,"<a\\ class=\"new\\ .+?(?=</a>)</a>","<!-- no wikipage yet -->"),"Global")
     set(#content,$replace(#content,$new line,$nothing),"Global")
     set(#content,$replace regular expression(#content,"\\t"," "),"Global")
     set(#contentonly,$replace regular expression(#content,"<p><div\\ class=\"subtopics\"><a\\ name=\"subtopics\">.+",$nothing),"Global")
     set(#contentonly,$replace regular expression(#contentonly,"<p><a name=\"comments\">.+",$nothing),"Global")
     set(#contentonly,$replace regular expression(#contentonly,"<a name=\"bottom\">.+",$nothing),"Global")
     add list to list(%parents,$scrape attribute(<class="outline expandable">,"innertext"),"Delete","Global")
     set(#parentlist,$list item(%parents,0),"Global")
     clear list(%parents)
     add list to list(%parents,$list from text(#parentlist,$new line),"Delete","Global")
     set(#parentlist,$replace(#parentlist,$new line,";"),"Global")
     set(#posttitle,$list item(%parents,$eval($subtract($list total(%parents),1))),"Global")
     set(#posttitle,$replace(#posttitle," ...",$nothing),"Global")
     if($comparison($list total(%parents),"> Greater than",1)) {
         then {
             set(#parent,$list item(%parents,$eval($subtract($list total(%parents),2))),"Global")
         else {
     append to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\{#domain}-page-hierarchy.csv","{#pageurl}    {#posttitle}    {#parent}    {#parentlist}    {$new line}","End")
     clear list(%parents)
     add list to list(%comments,$find regular expression(#content,"<p><a[^>]+name=\"msg.+?(?=<p><a[^>]+name=\"msg.+)"),"Delete","Global")
     loop($list total(%comments)) {
         set(#comment,$list item(%comments,0),"Global")
         set(#date,$find regular expression(#comment,"(?<=name=\"msg)[^@]+"),"Global")
         set(#title,$find regular expression(#comment,"(?<=<b>).+?(?=</b>\\ --)"),"Global")
         set(#title,$replace regular expression(#title,"<[^>]+>",$nothing),"Global")
         set(#author,$find regular expression(#comment,"(?<=</b>\\ --).+?(?=<a\\ href=\"{#pageurl})"),"Global")
         set(#author,$replace regular expression(#author,"<[^>]+>",$nothing),"Global")
         set(#author,$replace regular expression(#author,",\\ *$",$nothing),"Global")
         set(#comment,$find regular expression(#comment,"(?<=<br(|\\ /)>).+"),"Global")
         set(#comment,$replace regular expression(#comment,"\\t"," "),"Global")
         append to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\{#domain}-page-comments.csv","    {#pageurl}    {#date}    {#title}    {#author}    {#comment}    {$new line}","End")
         remove from list(%comments,0)
     wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
     scrape table(<outerhtml=w"<table>*">,&edithistory)
     set(#lastedited,$table cell(&edithistory,0,4),"Global")
     clear table(&edithistory)
     append to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\{#domain}-page-content-raw.csv","{#pageurl}    {#lastedited}    {#content}    {$new line}","End")
     append to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\{#domain}-page-content-only.csv","{#pageurl}    {#posttitle}    {#lastedited}    {#contentonly}    {$new line}","End")
     remove from list(%pageurls,0)

Step #2 Uploading the content to WordPress

Now that I have all the necessary data downloaded to .csv files in a structured format, I needed to create other scripts to upload the content to a WordPress site. Here I opted for the same technique, that is imitating a human visitor, which hits the ”Create a new page” button each and every time, and fills all the edit fields with the data grabbed from the downloaded .csv files. More details about this part can be read here: From Plone to WordPress — Migrating a site with web automation tools

Having read my previous post about how I found myself messing around with visual programming as an online marketer, you might have wondered: and what would be the everyday uses of those scripts when dealing with ad campaigns and web sites? Well, let me share some examples from the last few years I was working with these web automation tools to illustrate this:

Overcoming limitations of AdWords: finding more manual display network placements

Have you ever wondered whether AdWords will suggest you all the relevant display network placements, Youtube videos or Youtube playlists when you try to add them by entering relevant keywords? Well, the answer is that relying only on the ad management interface of AdWords, you will miss a lot of relevant placements. Fortunately, with some web automation skills, you can quickly build a script which finds even more relevant placements for instance by executing site searches on Youtube for a certain list of keywords, automatically pressing the next-next buttons and generating a simple list of URLs based on what has been displayed on the search result pages.

Analyzing your data the way you want: exporting external link data in a meaningful format

Although Google Webmaster Tools (a.k.a. Google Search Console) lets you browse through a huge list of web pages where a certain site of yours is linked, you cannot really export that data in a usable format, such as linking domain, linking web page, linked page in the same row. Although you could click through the list of linking domains, then the list of linking pages and export a bunch of tables based on this hierarchy, this sounds like a kind of repetitive task which can be fairly easily automated. Adding a few more steps like scraping the title of the linking page plus the anchor of the link, you can end up having a really informative list of your external links – at least of those which are displayed by Google.

Analyzing your data the way you want: obtain raw engagement data

While Facebook shows you some insights about how your pages or posts are performing, you cannot simply grab the raw data of these statistics: such as the number of visitors liked or shared certain posts in a given timeframe. But you can build a script which automatically scrolls and scrolls and scrolls – and extracts any data about the posts displayed. Having all the data in a spreadsheet format, you can visualize it the way you want. As a bonus: you can even do this with your competitors’ Facebook pages.

Automating repetitive tasks: checking link building results

Way back when we have been building tens of thousands of links on web directory sites, no link submission software could provide us with detailed and reliable data about which directories had accepted and published our link submissions and which had not. Without knowing how many links were eventually generated and where were those links located, we could not create detailed reports for our clients. On the other hand, the biggest problem of directory link building was that  you never knew at the time of submission where the submitted link would be displayed in the directory, so the challenge was not only going through a list of URLs and see whether our link was found on those pages or not, but you had to look through the entire directory to figure out where exactly that link was. All in all, this task was more complicated than curl or wget a list of URLs and grep the results. Before I knew how to automate this process with visual scripting, we had to do this highly repetitive task by hand – so scripting could save us a lot of manual work.

Process spreadsheet data: check and merge what’s common in two tables

When you have to work with email lists and related data coming from different sources, you could quickly diff or merge two .csv files with Unix command line tools. But sometimes not everyone in your organization possesses those “geeky” skills to fire up awk for that, and many times you are also too lazy to find the best solution on StackOverflow. In these cases, with automation software, you can even create an .exe file with an easy to use interface where two files and a few more parameters are asked, such as which column’s data should be matched in the other spreadsheet to merge a table with the unified rows based on those matches – or whatever you can achieve with regular expressions, if / then statements and loops.

Extracting structured data from unstructured source: list of products in a website

Unfortunately, still there are many web shop owners who are running their sites based on proprietary webs hop management systems, which are not prepared for simply exporting the list of products from, or not in the appropriate format, with all the desired data, etc. In these cases, it is very handy if you can quickly build a script which scrapes the entire webs hop and outputs a spreadsheet of every product, containing all the important attributes and product data. Based on the result, you can start working on either the on-site SEO or importing those lists to Google AdWords of Facebook Ads.

Migrating web sites: exporting and importing from/to any CMS

There are quite a few ways of importing data into WordPress, but still, you might miss some features which can be normally accessed only if you upload the content manually, such as attaching images to a certain post or set the featured images. Not to mention that before that, you’ll have to get to the point of already having the data extracted from the old web site to a structured format such as XML and CSV. As many older CMSes and proprietary content management systems do not have such data exporting features, this part of the job could be also quite complicated, if not impossible. On the other hand, with some web automation skills you can extract any data in any format from the original site and imitate a human being filling out the corresponding data simply automating the new site’s administration interface – you don’t have to rely on any export-import plugin’s features – and shortcomings.

Web spamming: black hat SEO, fake Facebook accounts…

The tools I’m using for automating the above tasks are originally meant for creating accounts, posting content to a wide range of sites: thus spamming the entire web — but this is something I have never used these tools for – believe it or not 🙂

Coming next: